- I have discovered a small unevenness in the tweeter
- Can I theoretically leave my speakers on 24/7?
- ADAM Audio speakers often feature both XLR and RCA connectors. Is it possible to use both at the same time, i.e. to have two different sources connected to the speaker using both connectors?
- How do I setup my studio monitors?
- What are the components of a studio monitor?
- What is the correct sequence when powering on and off the sub and the monitors?
- Warranty Transfer
- How do I access the MyADAM user area?
- I have not received an expected e-mail from the MyADAM user area (confirmation, reset, etc.) - what should I do?
- Why is the extended warranty not available for my ADAM Audio products?
- My ADAM Audio product appears to be already registered by someone else - what should I do?
Warranty & Repairs
S Series
A Series
T Series
- What is the benefit of using a subwoofer?
- Which subwoofer should I get?
- What crossover frequency would you recommend for the subwoofer?
- Would you recommend to connect the speakers through the subwoofer or should they be connected separately to the audio interface? If I go for the first option, will there be any loss in the sound quality?
- If I change the crossover frequency of the subwoofer, does that mean changing the separation frequency of the speakers?
- How and where do I position my subwoofer?
Desktop Speakers
- D3V auto off
- EQ settings - Values of the various positions
- High frequency ranges are not/partially not audible at very low volumes
- I can't hear any sound via analogue/USB-C
- Which resolution does the D3V support?
- What is the maximum length of the USB-C cable that the monitor can still function with?